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These two pages describe the most efficient way to use this Ordinance. These pages are general descriptions but are not part of the actual Ordinance.

Start by using the following parts of the Zoning Ordinance:

!          Please contact the Zoning Officer to make sure you have the latest version of the Zoning Ordinance Text and Map. Please check to make sure that the County Zoning Ordinance still applies in your municipality, as opposed to having been replaced by a Township or Borough Zoning Ordinance.

!          Turn to the Table of Contents to find the pages and sections that apply to your particular situation. You may wish to photocopy the Table of Contents to highlight the relevant sections.

!          Consult the Zoning Map to determine the zoning district that includes your lot. Please be aware that the term “assessment property class” as shown on the County assessment records is not a zoning district designation.

!          Turn to Section 306, Allowed Uses and Dimensional Requirements in each Zoning District, which indicates the uses permitted, the required minimum lot size, and the required minimum distance that buildings must be from streets and other lot lines in each zoning district. A use is permitted in two ways:

a)  by right, or

b) by special exception (the County Zoning Hearing Board must approve the use,      as described in Section 116).

!          Regularly refer to the Definitions in Section 202 to determine the meaning of specific words.

If a lot is already being legally used for a particular purpose and that use is not permitted in the zoning district according to Section 306 that use may be a "Non-Conforming Use". In almost all cases, a lawful Non-Conforming Use can continue, can expand within limits, can change to another use within limits, and can be sold. See Section 805 -"Non-Conformities."

Certain specific uses must comply with additional regulations. The "principal uses" (which are the primary use of a property) are listed in alphabetical order in Section 402 and the "accessory uses" (which are secondary uses, such as low-intensity businesses in a home) are listed in alphabetical order in Section 403. For example, additional regulations are listed for sheds, garages and other structures typically found on a residential lot under "Residential Accessory Structures" in Section 403.

If your lot may be flood-prone, see the Township or Borough Floodplain Ordinance and the Federal Floodplain Maps (which can be viewed at most municipal buildings or at

Turn to the following sections for regulations concerning parking, signs and buffer yards:

!          Many uses must provide minimum numbers of off-street Parking spaces under Section 601 of this ordinance. The parking standards are listed in a table.

!          If Signs are proposed within public view, Article 7 must be met. This article lists the types, heights and sizes of signs that are permitted.

!          Certain uses are required to provide an open Buffer Yard with Evergreen Screening to buffer nearby homes and adjacent residentially zoned land from nuisances. See Section 803.

The following additional considerations should be kept in mind when using this Ordinance:

!          An applicant may apply to the County Zoning Hearing Board for a Zoning Variance if he/she is not able to comply with a provision of this Zoning Ordinance. An application fee is required to compensate the County for legal advertisements and other costs. See Section 111, which includes the standards that must be met under State law in order to be granted a variance.  Generally, under the PA Municipalities Planning Code, variances are not permitted unless an applicant proves a legal "Hardship".

!          Generally, if one or more new lots will be created, or existing lot lines will be altered, or one or more new principal non-residential buildings are proposed, then the requirements and approval procedures of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) will also apply. That is a separate ordinance. Some municipalities are under the County SALDO, while other townships and boroughs have adopted their own SALDO.

!          If there will be disturbance of the ground, it may be necessary to use certain measures to control soil erosion. The County Conservation District oversees these matters.

!          If there will be impacts upon stormwater runoff, see the applicable Stormwater Management Ordinance.

Any questions concerning this County Zoning Ordinance should be directed to the County's Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer also administers applications for permits.

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